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Frames, needles and tools

Bead needle n°12
Chenille needle n°18
Chenille needle n°20
Chenille needle n°22
Chenille needle n°24
Chenille needle n°26
Small wooden spool

Result Pages:  1  Displaying 1 to 7 (of 7 products)
1 x Metallic violet flat sequin 4mm
1 x Mauve transparent lustered cup sequin 4mm
1 x Metallic orange flat sequin 4mm
1 x Transparent lustered champagne flat sequin 4mm
1 x Pearl flat sequin 4mm
1 x Red opaque satinated flat sequin 4mm
1 x Rose gold metal satinated flat sequin 4mm
1 x Transparent iridescent apricot cup sequin 4mm
1 x Bright opaque red flat sequin 4mm
1 x Slate transparent lustered cup sequin 4mm
1 x Dark pink satinated cup sequin 4mm
1 x Transparent lustré daffodil flat sequin 4mm
1 x Vivid pink metal satinated cup sequin 4mm
1 x White opaque pearled flat sequin 4mm
1 x Iridescent transparent flat sequin 3mm
1 x Violet metal satinated flat sequin 4mm
1 x Vivid pink transparent lustered flat sequin 3mm
1 x Raspberry transparent iridescentpaillette 3mm
1 x Metallic light violet cup sequin 4mm
1 x Rose gold metal satinated cup sequin 4mm
1 x Vivid rosebright opaque flat sequin 4mm
1 x Iridescent transparent flat sequin 4mm
1 x White pearl cup sequin 4mm
1 x Red metal satinated cup sequin 4mm
1 x Burgundy transparent iridescent flat sequin 4mm
1 x (Loose) Shaped white square cup sequin 5mm
1 x White smoke transparent cup sequin 4mm
1 x White opaque flat sequin 4mm
1 x Iridescent transparentcup sequin 4mm
1 x Transparent fushia flat sequin 10mm (500 per thread)
1 x Red transparent irisdescent flat sequin 4mm
1 x Smoked grey opaque flat sequin 4mm
1 x Opaque light orange flat sequin 4mm
1 x Burgundy metal satinated cup sequin 4mm
1 x Violet transparent lustered flat sequin 3mm
1 x Marbled brown flat sequin 4mm
1 x Vivid pink metal cup sequin 4mm
1 x Grey transparent lustered paillette 4mm
1 x Vivid pink transparent lustered cup sequin 4mm
1 x Opaque buttercup flat sequin 4mm
1 x Vivid pink transparent iridescent cup sequin 4mm
1 x (Loose) Shaped black square cup sequin 5mm
1 x Red transparent lustered flat sequin 4mm
1 x Opaque rye cup sequin 4mm
1 x (Loose) Shaped black qatinated square flat sequin 5mm
1 x Vivid pink transparent lustered flat sequin 4mm
1 x Pale pink lustered transparent flat sequin 4mm
1 x Transparent yellow lustered flat sequin 4mm
1 x Wisteria opaque flat sequin 4mm
1 x Opaque flax flat sequin 4mm
1 x Wistera opaque cup sequin 4mm
1 x Plum opaque flat sequin 4mm
1 x Chocolate metal satinated flat sequin 4mm
1 x Transparent tangerine lustered flat sequin 4mm
1 x Red transparent iridescent paillette 3mm
1 x Light pink transparent lustered paillette 3mm
1 x Old pink opaque cup sequin 4mm
1 x Cream opaque cup sequin 4mm
1 x (Loose) Shaped black qatinated square cup sequin 5mm
1 x Mocha transparent iridescent cup sequin 4mm
1 x Transparent brown lustered flat sequin 4mm
1 x Vivid pink metal satinated flat sequin 3mm
1 x (Loose) Shaped black square flat sequin 5mm
1 x Purple metal cup sequin 4mm
1 x Ice bright metal flat sequin 4mm
1 x Old rose flat sequin 4mm
1 x Burgundy metal satinated flat sequin 4mm
1 x Black opaque flat sequin 4mm
1 x Pink metal satinated cup sequin 4mm
1 x Transparent coral lustered flat sequin 4mm
1 x Lilac metal flat sequin 4mm
1 x Lilac metal satinated flat sequin 4mm
1 x Vivid rosebright opaque flat sequin 3mm
1 x Lilac metal cup sequin 4mm
1 x Pink metallic satinated flat sequin 4mm
1 x Light pink lustered transparent flat sequin 4mm
1 x Old rose metal cup sequin 4mm
1 x Pearl cup sequin 4mm
1 x Cream opaque flat sequin 4mm
1 x Smoked white flat sequin 4mm
1 x Black bright opaque flat sequin 3mm
1 x Transparent moka irisdescent flat sequin 4mm
1 x Transparent coral lustered cup sequin 4mm
1 x (Loose) Shaped white square flat sequin 5mm
1 x Vivid pink smoke transparent flat sequin 4mm
1 x Lilac metal satinated cup sequin 4mm
1 x Transparent iridescent apricot flat sequin 4mm
1 x Violet metal satinated cup sequin 4mm
1 x Black opaque cup sequin 3mm
1 x Silver satinated cup sequin 4mm
1 x Champagne metal satinated cup sequin 4mm
1 x Vivid green transparent lustered cup sequin 4mm
1 x Metallic teal blue cup sequin 4mm
1 x Chenille needle n°26

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